There is a widespread belief that  women  cannot get the required amount of nutrients to grow a healthy infant during pregnancy without the consumption of animal products. This has been proven false over and over again. There are countless women who have not only given birth to healthy babies, but have also successfully breastfed these babies without eating animals or their bi-products.  

Today I am almost half way through my pregnancy and I have been getting a lot of questions about my diet and if it has changed at all while with child.  I am happy to say that I have eaten a living whole foods plant-based diet for the last four and half years and have not stopped at all during pregnancy. The only exception to this is that  I have included some red raspberry leaf infusion/tea here and there to help tone the uterus. With all that said I do firmly believe to have a healthy body and pregnancy you must eat a wide variety of local, wild, pesticide free, fruit, vegetables, leafy greens, and some nuts and seeds. Although my daily diet does change depending on what I find at the market, these foods have been a staple in my diet since the day I found out I was expecting.

1.) Fruit- Fruit is key! Fruit is full of water and super hydrating. Eating a good amount of fruit first thing upon waking is a sure way keep your body well hydrated. A dehydrated body cannot function to it's capacity at all.  Fruit as you should know also contains many many nutrients that nourish both you and your little one's body.  These include folate, vitamin C, and vitamin A which are needed to help assist your body during pregnancy and to help regenerate skin cells which keeps the skin elastic. These little gems are also cleansing which help with the common pregnancy complaint of constipation.  My favorite fruit have been melons, peaches, cherries, figs, bananas, and oranges.

2.) Tahini- Tahini is a paste made from crushed sesame seeds. Tahini is a great source of calcium and a healthy fat for when you are expecting. Calcium is something that a baby will leech from your bones or teeth. They can become brittle or fall out if you are not getting enough through your diet. You can eat tahini in a variety of ways. Hummus (raw), salad dressings,  and dips, have been my go to for the last five months eaten on top of my large leafy green salads.

3.) Leafy Greens- Leafy greens are another favorite of mine. They are chock full of vitamins, minerals and chlorphyll. Wild greens such as dandelion, nettle, chickweed and fennel are a super concentrated source of iron,calcium, Vitamin K, and protein that is harder to get with store bought greens. If you are not feeling up for chewing these try juicing them with some fruit or blending it into a delicious green smoothie.

4.) Hemp Seeds-  Not only are hemp seeds a good source of protein, but they also contain the type of protein that is easily assimilated by the body. Hemp seeds are also an excellent source of essential fatty acids and rich in vitamin E.  Sprinkle these on your salad, add them to a smoothie, or make a dip or dressing with them by blending with water, lime, and spices.

5.) Dates-Dates which are type of fruit is especially good to eat during pregnancy. They are a good source of iron , potassium, magnesium, and fiber which help to keep the digestive system in tip top shape as your baby grows and start pushing organs upward and together. Dates have also been known to shorten and ease labor!

*Make sure to always consult with your doctor or midwife before making any changes to your diet
