Ditch the toxins now!

Regardless of what we all would like to believe toxins do not just appear in food form. They are literally everywhere. They sneakily appear in the air you breathe, the water you drink, as well as the things you put onto your body. The latter being one of the major causes of toxic build-up. The skin is the body’s largest organ and is porous; meaning that whatever you put onto the skin will eventually be absorbed by the body and end up in the bloodstream at some point. Can you imagine ALL of the chemicals that are listed on the back of common body lotions racing through your body? One of the easiest ways you can lessen your exposure to these toxic hormone disruptors is by ditching most of your beauty products and common toiletries and replacing it with these raw and unprocessed alternatives.


Coconut oil! Raw cold-pressed coconut oil is anti-fungal and anti-bacterial and makes for the perfect all over moisturizer. It softens the skin, erases scars, and most importantly is free from any harmful ingredients.


. To thoroughly clean hair mix 1/2 cup apple cider vinegar with ¼ cup of pure filtered water. Put the mixture into a spray bottle; spray hair and scalp. Rub thoroughly and rinse.


Although there are TONS of different ways you can condition your hair without chemicals this is by far my favorite recipe. Add one avocado, ¼ cup coconut oil, 1/ 4 cup olive oil, ¼ cup grape seed oil, ¼ cup water and 2 teaspoons of spirulina to a high speed blender (vitamix) and blend until smooth. Rub the conditioner onto your hair and let it sit for five minutes before rinsing out.


One of the biggest reasons to get rid of your current toothpaste is fluoride. Fluoride is a very harmful substance to the body and to your brain function as well.  Always try to find a fluoride free one. If you cannot then mix ¼ cold-pressed coconut oil and ¼ cup baking soda together with a few drops of peppermint essential oil.

Although eating a diet rich in fruit will cleanse the body of excess unwanted toxic chemicals and is the number one way to stay as healthy as possible. You can still lessen the toxic load on your body why saying NO to perfumes, lotions, make-up, soaps and other substances that are filled with unwanted poisons.

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